Our Campus Ministry Leadership Retreat

On May 15, our Director of Campus Ministry, Jack Rampulla, and Director of Service Learning, Dimitri Tsimoyianis, took the Junior Campus Ministry team to The Arch!  This annual retreat began years ago with Mr. Rampulla’s predecessor, Andrew DiAngelo.

The focus of the three day trip was Leadership and Communication—as this Campus Ministry team will be asked to go above and beyond in the 2017-18 school year concerning serving and working with the greater school community.

With the assistance of program director Brian Caldwell, students were given the opportunity to travel well beyond their comfort zones—taking on the Challenge Course—a team-building, strategic planning experience. These exercises were designed to take our team to new levels in search of self-awareness and excellence.  The team responded well and had much to talk about that evening as they huddled together and shared ideas and lessons learned.

The Campus Ministry team was also able to celebrate mass with Father Randy Rentner.  Father Randy’s sermon, wonderfully expressed, centered on Christ and His leadership skills; it brought the final two days of the retreat into better focus and elaborated upon how much the school community will depend on their commitment to serve next year.

Overall, the retreat was a total success in that it completely provided the team with a collective look at why we have made a commitment to lead; it gave us a better perception regarding those we are charged with leading by our example; and most importantly, we were made aware of how we should lead—just as Christ does!

Thank you to the entire Campus Ministry team for their unwavering effort to walk and lead as true Holy Cross Men.