Academic Programs
Holy Cross High School’s curriculum provides students with 4 levels of college preparatory studies. Our graduation requirements include courses in English, Fine Arts, World Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Theology along with a wide range of innovative electives. All students graduate with a NYS Regents Diploma, while many graduate with a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.
Blessed Father Basil Moreau Honors Program
Holy Cross offers a competitive honors program where students are challenged to push their academic limits. Motivated students may also elect to enroll in one of our numerous AP courses, or earn college credit through the St. John’s University College Advantage Program.
Science Research Program
Our three-year Science Research program makes it possible for academically strong students to partner with local universities and hospitals to conduct independent research. The program provides a forum for cutting-edge research in the fields of quantum physics, engineering, and other scientific fields of exploration by pairing students with mentors in their chosen field of study. Our affiliations and venues of study have included Columbia University, Cornell University, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Long Island Jewish Hospital, Long Island University, Manhattan College, New York Institute of Technology, North Shore University Hospital, The Rogosin Institute, Sloan Kettering Hospital, and Tufts University. Students in the program pursue credit from the SUNY system through the University of Albany.
Learning Support
As a Catholic based high school, we are committed to providing a learning environment that is safe, inclusive, and welcoming for all students. We are committed to providing all scholars with an education that meets their spiritual, academic, emotional, and social needs. Students who have an Individualized Education Services Program (IESP) or 504 Accommodation flourish at Holy Cross as we offer a nurturing, accepting, faith based environment with a focus on individual strengths and abilities to help each scholar reach their potential. We offer preferential seating, a second set of classroom books (with medical documentation), extended time on tests, and Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS) through the NYC DOE.
1:1 Chromebook Program
All incoming freshmen at Holy Cross are provided with a Google Education account, full access to the suite of Google Apps for Education (GAFE), and a new Google Chromebook. Students have immediate access to assignments, assessments, and announcements from teachers, and are able to extend their learning far beyond the physical walls of the classroom. Collaboration on group projects is easier than ever; Google apps allows multiple students to work on a single file simultaneously. Teachers can see what each student independently contributed to an assignment, as well as total time spent completing each project. Our teachers have full access to a student’s progress, not just their completed work, providing insight that allows our faculty the opportunity to better assist students who may need extra support.
Additionally, becoming a Google School helps continue our advancement of going green, no longer requiring assignments to always be printed out and producing extraneous waste by needing to discard emptied toner cartridges. Most excitingly, every student will have access to a device with a fully functional keyboard that iPads and other tablets lack, making Chromebooks perfect for English class, writing assignments, and research projects!
Introduction to Art I
Introduction to Art II
Figure Drawing
Drawing from Life
Three Dimensional Design
Advanced Painting & Color Theory
Architectural Drawing
Mechanical Drawing I
Mechanical Drawing II
Digital Photography
Digital Art I
Digital Art II
Senior Portfolio (AP Studio Art)
Introduction to Occupations Accounting
Personal Finance
Financial Markets Sports Management
Contemporary American Writers
British Literature
Public Speaking and Dramatic Performance Science Fiction Literature
Literature: Drama
Horror Literature
College English (St. John’s University)
Advanced Placement Literature & Composition
Probability and Statistics
Consumer Mathematics
History of Mathematics
Advanced Placement Calculus
Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles
Training Band
Intermediate Band
Concert Band
Advanced Placement Music Theory
TV Production I
TV Production II
Applied Robotics
Forensic Science
Marine Biology
Anatomy and Physiology
Environmental Science
Advanced Placement Physics
Advanced Placement Biology
Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Science Research Program (University at Albany)
Criminal Law
History of New York City
History of the World Wars
Sports and Politics in History
Constitutional Law
Advanced Placement Government and Politics
Advanced Placement World History
Advanced Placement U.S. History
College Modern European History (St. John’s University)
Campus Ministry
Catechist Preparation
Service Learning Program
College Theology (St. John’s University)
Seminar in Advanced Spanish
College Italian (Advanced Placement / St. John’s University)
College Spanish (Advanced Placement / St. John’s University)