Social Studies

The study of social studies at Holy Cross is a four year process that follows the New York State Curriculum and Standards for Social Studies. The department attempts to put forth an environment where students become aware of their responsibilities to God, themselves, their school and community, and the world at large. We hope to inspire in our classes a lifelong appreciation and love of social studies and learning. It is important that our students have a knowledge and understanding of the past and are able to understand how the past affects the present and the future. 

With this knowledge they can have an impact on both the present and the future as well. Through the teachings of social studies we hope to impart to our students a sense of obligation to contribute positively to their school, community and the world, which is at the heart of Catholic teachings. We must prepare our students to participate as productive and responsible citizens in a country and a world that is becoming increasingly technological as well as changing almost daily. 

The world is becoming increasingly interdependent and our students must be aware of this and develop a sense of global awareness and their growing place in a global society. While developing a sense of the global world around them, we also want our students to have a sense of what their duties, responsibilities and rights are as American citizens, or as non-citizens residing in the United States. 

They should have a thorough knowledge and understanding of American History and how our government functions. They need to understand the founding principles of our country and the need to hold our country and themselves responsible to those principles. Our fervent hope is that our students based upon their four years of social studies at Holy Cross and with the help of God, become concerned and productive citizens of society and the world at large. Thus, we expect, that they will forever remain true Holy Cross Students.

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